Require Proof of Completion for Tasks


Which plans can use this feature?     Enterprise (for an additional fee)


Tasks help keep your team on task and working towards shared team goals. You can require assignees to submit proof of task completion via written or photo acknowledgement.  

Enable Proof of Completion

This feature is available to Crew Enterprise users for an additional fee. To get started, reach out to your Crew Customer Success Manager. 

Set Proof of Completion

To set proof of completion requirements for a task, follow the below steps depending on your device:

iOS or Android app

  1. Open your Crew app and head to the Chats tab
  2. Tap into the Tasks entry
  3. Tap on your desired task
  4. Tap the 3 dots in the upper right corner
  5. Select Edit
  6. Next to 'Proof of completion', tap Edit
  7. Select Written confirmation and/or Photo confirmation
  8. Tap Next 
  9. Enter optional instructions
  10. Tap Next 
  11. Tap Save to confirm your changes

Web app

  1. Log in to and head to the Inbox tab
  2. Tap into the Tasks entry
  3. Tap on your desired task
  4. Tap the 3 dots in the upper right corner
  5. Select Edit
  6. Toggle Proof of completion on
  7. Select Require written acknowledgement and/or Require photo acknowledgement
  8. Tap Next 
  9. Enter optional instructions
  10. Tap Save 
  11. Tap the red Save button above the Task details

Command Center

For Enterprise tasks, proof of completion must be set when creating the task. See how to do that here.