What Happens If I Find a Bug in Crew?

The engineers and designers at Crew are working hard every day to make the best possible product for you to use. But nobody’s perfect, and sometimes bugs slip through the cracks. And sometimes you, the user, are the one to find them!

How to submit a bug

You can help us validate what you’ve found by doing the following things

  • Give us a general description of what you were trying to do and what happened instead
  • Take a screenshot (or several!) to help us locate it. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words, and even if you don’t know how best to describe the problem you can help us track it down
  • If you submit through the app itself by messaging Crew Support you don’t need to include your number
  • If you choose to email your bug submission (help@crewapp.com), please include the mobile phone number you use to log in to the app. Looking up your account can help us too.