Command Center: Message Acknowledgement


Which plans can use this feature?     Enterprise


Getting your messages and Announcements out to your teams, your Organizations, and your entire enterprise is important. Sometimes it's equally important to know that your communications have been received and read. Message Acknowledgement gives you the assurance you need that your employees have the information they need—especially crucial for safety protocols and HR policies.

Broadcast Your Message

The Broadcast Announcement feature allows you to send an Announcement to multiple Organizations at once. When you create a new Announcement to be broadcast, you have the option to request confirmation that the message was read. 

  1. Go to the Announcements page in the left menu
  2. Click "New announcement" in the upper right corner
  3. Select which Organizations should receive the communication (or all of them)
  4. Compose your Announcement
  5. Click the Acknowledgement box and select from the following recipient confirmation options
    • No acknowledgements required
    • Confirmation button
    • Written acknowledgement
    • Photo acknowledgement

6. Click "Send Announcement"

Overall Responses

Once the announcement has been sent, your teams and employees will begin to read and respond to it. You'll then be able to verify that in the "Seen by" and "Acknowledged by" columns of each announcement. At a glance, you'll be able to ascertain

  • The overall percentage of employees who have read your announcement
  • The overall percentage of employees who have acknowledged your announcement (if requested)

Responses by Organization and Employee

Click into any Announcement to see its read receipt details, broken down by organization and employee. Tap on a specific organization for further details, including the exact numbers of confirmed and unconfirmed recipients.

  • Click the "Confirmed" heading to see exactly which team members have confirmed the message, and when.
  • Click "Not yet confirmed" to see exactly which team members have not, and whether they've even read the message or not.
  • Click "Reactions" to see team members' sentiments around your message.


You can also send a reminder if you feel that the response rate is lower than it should be by tapping "Send reminder" in the Announcement Details page. This will send a push notification to folks who have not yet confirmed.

No Reply Required

You can analyze your readership even for messages that don't require confirmation. From the Message Details section of each message, you can view

  • The overall percentage of employees who have read the message
  • Reader percentages by Organization
  • Within specific Organizations
    • Names of those who have read the message, and when
    • Names of those who have not read the message

In the App

Team Members   When your team members open an Announcement from you in the app that requires confirmation, a box will be appended to the message with the text "Please confirm that you have read this message," followed by the word "Confirm" in red. Tapping that word brings them to the official confirmation screen. Once the message has been confirmed, the employee will see that noted below the Announcement, so they know that their response has been registered. 



Enterprise Users    In the app, the Message Details screen of an Announcement will display which employees have confirmed and which have not, just as in Command Center.