Tracking Daily Practices on Crew—Best Practices

Whether your Organization is a restaurant, a hospital, a retail store, or something else altogether, there is probably a set of tasks that your employees do daily. These might be strict processes that are important for maintaining security or health standards, e.g. closing routines or cleaning procedures. Or it might be something more informal but equally regular. Either way, you can use Crew to make sure these tasks are done when they’re needed, by the people who need to do them.

Using the Crew app is a great way to maximize effectiveness and efficiency by putting your offline processes online—with Location Groups and Repeating Tasks. Working together, these two functions will send regular reminders to the people who perform each task—and only those people—and allow managers and admins to follow up on whether the task has been accomplished or not.

You’ll be able to send a notification like this one for each specific task, and it will go out only to the appropriate people, the ones who are in a position to complete the task.

This notification goes out to team members to remind them it’s time to complete a task

Location Groups

Using Location Groups ensures that task notifications are only sent to the employees who are actually at work when the task comes up on the schedule. This is especially useful for organizations that run around the clock! If a Repeating Task is not completed at its scheduled time, employees who arrive at the Location later will see it appear in their task lists at that time, letting them know that the task still needs to be performed.

Tip Make sure your employees have granted the correct permissions needed for Location Groups. Otherwise they run the risk of receiving notifications at any time for tasks assigned to their Groups.

Repeating Tasks

Once you have your Location Groups set up, you can go on to create Repeating Tasks for every major item on your daily list, for example counting sanitizing kitchen tools or writing notes for the next shift. Every item on your list becomes a separate task that you can detail and account for. And once you’ve set up a task as repeating, you can use it again and again without ever having to re-describe it.


      Convert this offline task list (left). .  . Into this list of Repeating Tasks (right)


Note  If your Organization has a particularly large location or number of employees, contact Crew Support for help in setting up your Location Groups correctly.