How to Use Crew on a Device Without a Phone Number

The phone number is the key

Every unique user on Crew is identified by a phone number—it’s the password you use to sign into the app, and it’s also how Crew sends out the text-invitation to join the app.

With that one phone number you can also log into Crew on devices other than a phone, like an iPad or iPod. You can also use it when accessing the app through the Web on a desktop. 

What if you don’t have one?

But what about team members who only use devices without phone numbers, such as tablets, or who have text messaging turned off on their phones? How do they use Crew?

The answer is simple: Google Voice , a free Google service that provides a phone number that’s tied to an individual user, and not necessarily to a particular device. Each team member who needs it can register for their own personal Google Voice phone number. An active Crew user can send the app invite to that number, and the new team member will receive the introductory text message through it as well. He or she can then log in to Crew for the first time.

We want all your team members to be able to join your Crew.

Note What about team members who use a shared workplace device, such as a hostess station tablet, and don’t necessarily want to share their individual Crew accounts with co-workers? Simple. You can also use a Google Voice number to create a unique registration for a shared workplace device.